This crunchy chocolate is made by combining cherry leaf powder and white...
Make delicious Japanese Dashimaki Tamago simply in the microwave with...
When soft candies are dipped in water syrup and chilly powder, ice-cream...
This homemade DIY confectionery allows you to make red, blue, yellow,...
Matcha green tea blended cookies are filled with a delicious azuki...
Freeze-dried strawberries of varying sizes are covered with matcha...
Caramelised almonds with a almond oil flavoured milk chocolate shell and filled with chocolate cream. Content: 56g
Caramelised almonds with a thick almond oil flavoured praline & milk chocolate shell and with wheat puffs. Content: 56g
Macadamia nuts, also called "King of nuts" covered with a thick and tasty chocolate. Content: 67g
Great, delicious sweet made of Japanese Hokkaido azuki beans with a white chocolate shell covered with uji matcha. Packed in handy bags which makes it easy to share or stock. Content: 70g
Almonds with a thick chocolate shell Only carefully selected almonds are slowly roasted to create an aromatic flavor. The chocolate that wraps the almonds is high-quality milk chocolate that only Meiji can produce. It has a mild taste that enhances the savory flavor of the almonds. Content: 79g
Delicious almonds with a thick chocolate shell made of an aromatic dark cacao chocolate. Inhalt: 84g
Delicious almonds with a thick chocolate shell made of finest meiji Uji Matcha chocolate. Content: 58g
Macadamia nuts, also called "King of nuts" covered with a thick and tasty chocolate. Content: 64g
Five kinds of nut chocolates. Each nut is carefully selected to bring out the flavour and texture of each nut.Peanut Macadamia Almond Hazelnut Coconut CrispContent: 106g
Limited Item Great, delicious treat made of sweet azuki beans, covered with a white chocolate shell which is sprinkled with slightly salty sakua (cherry blossom) powder. Packed in a useful resealable bag which makes it easy to share or enjoy over a longer time. Content: 40g